
waves, culture, aphorisms

Month: September, 2011

quick update from washington… vol 2

  Okay, so I’m still in washington airport because despite running down corridors and sprinting up stair steps (an activity I take an unusual liking to in airports– even when I’m not late), I missed my flight to Newark. So, I used the 4 hour setback to spend some time in the United Red Carpet […]

quick update from washington

  Dubai is done! Unfortunately, the internet situation in the airport leaves much to be desired. But I used my long layover to explore Dubai city. After taking the metro I got off into the hot, sandy heat. Like the fog that penetrates cities in the northern hemisphere, a sand haze invades the horizon, making […]

in Sri Lanka airport

I’m heading out from Colombo airport right now. Destination: Dubai! Once I land I’ll post up some photos from the last couple days.

heading home from the factory

After a long day at work, I’m heading back home to the hotel. I did a massive photo project here and took a portrait of each worker. Tomorrow I’m only here for a half day before heading home to Maui– I can’t wait for the winter! I’ll post tomorrow with photos.

no maui monday, but sri lanka weekend recap

  We went to the elephant orphanage on Saturday before going to Kandy to have lunch. To be honest, I was a bit saddened by the “orphanage,” for it seemed to be more of a zoo. The elephants were constantly watched over by men with sticks that would poke them if they crossed a certain […]

Sri Lanka Day 4 (tons of photos)

  Today was busy!   Also on the day’s docket was checking out the unused stock.   Here at the factory, the last step in every sails birth is a rigging and rigorous inspection. The inspection team rigs each sail and then goes over it for about 10 minutes looking at every seam and panel. […]

foto friday

                        1) Rainbow rain… Not much more needs to be said. 2) Wind and sea: the two elements that define our lives– well, at least mine. This photo capture the stormy freedom of riding the waves. 3) I’m not one to be taken with […]

sri lanka day 3 (photo heavy)

  (Click all photos for larger versions)   Mr. Samarasiri (above) is the manager and head of the Ezzy Factory, and he is responsible for its success. He helped build the first North Sails factory in Sri Lanka in the early ’80s. My dad, David Ezzy, was the first one to make sails in the […]

sri lanka day 2

  Recovered from jet lag, I hit the gym with my dad this morning at 5:00am. While he biked for 99 minutes, I rotated between the treadmill and the elliptical. On the treadmill, I thought “wow, I’m really in good shape; this is so easy.” And then I realized that it was in kilometers per […]

welcome to Sri Lanka!

I arrived from Dubai into Sri Lanka at 6:30 am this morning local time. (This sign was above the passport control). I went straight to the hotel where I met my dad in the gym as he was finishing his morning workout. And after breakfast, we headed to the Ezzy Factory. After so many hours […]