Sri Lanka Day 4 (tons of photos)
by Graham
Today was busy!
Also on the day’s docket was checking out the unused stock.
Here at the factory, the last step in every sails birth is a rigging and rigorous inspection. The inspection team rigs each sail and then goes over it for about 10 minutes looking at every seam and panel. Each part of the sail has the number of the worker who made it, so if there is a problem, she can see her mistake and redo it. This quality control is probably the most important part of producing a good product.
Tomorrow is the weekend! On Saturday we are going to journey up into the mountains to visit an elephant orphanage and a temple that allegedly contains one of Buddha’s teeth. I’m excited and will take lots of pictures. On Sunday, the Ezzy Factory cricket team is playing an important match at 1:30pm, so I’ll go watch and take photos.
Below are many photos from today. I hope they give you some insight into the Ezzy Factory and the people who make your sails. In this ever shrinking world, it is of utter importance that we all know that our money is spent positively– for both humanity and the environment. You vote with your dollar. Spend it wisely. The factories in China exist with poor work conditions because people buy their products, refusing to take responsibility for the human harm they’re causing. In short, know where your money goes.
(Click photos for larger versions. Captions fixed but at the expense of having some repeats.)
Great Article, Thanks Graham!!!
Can’t wait to see more details on the Cheetah, my guess is this is going to be a Fast Fast sail.
Ezzy rules!!!!
Great series of posts, I really enjoyed it! Thank you. You scooped the Cheetah! I’m curious… Sounds like a panther follow up. I wonder what will happen on the freeride side of things. Enjoy your stay, in a good sangha it seems
The photo with the pulleys in David hands, very nice somehow. Good depth of field.